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Mystical Moonlight Supplies

Medusa Figurine

Medusa Figurine

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Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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Medusa Figurine 

The Medusa figurine holds deep spiritual significance across various cultures and belief systems. Often depicted as a Gorgon with serpents for hair and a petrifying gaze, Medusa symbolizes both danger and protection. In ancient Greek mythology, she represents a powerful feminine force, embodying wisdom, transformation, and the mysteries of the unknown. In some interpretations, Medusa's gaze symbolizes the ability to confront one's fears and transform negativity into strength. As a figurine, she can serve as a reminder of resilience, inner power, and the journey of self-discovery, making her a potent symbol in spiritual practices centered around empowerment and personal growth.

This product is discounted due to the arms breaking off when shipped to us. 

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